On World Health Day, UM6P Extends its Appreciation for all Medical Professionals

On April 7th 1948, the United Nations founded the World Health Organization as a global platform of medical prevention, coordination and concerted action. Since then, that date has been celebrated as World Health Day, an annual occasion that brings out the universal concern that is health & wellness. 
Much like the two past years, this World Health Day still comes with a special significance for the international community. The least each and every one of us could say is that the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed our thinking about what a healthy life entails. Beyond testing. Beyond vaccines and medication. Beyond all the measures we had to diligently follow to stay out of harm’s way. This pandemic brought front and center the fundamentals of immune, resilient individuals, communities and whole societies. At stake today is not just how we treat our bodies and minds, but also how we interact with a planet in much need of sustainable behavior. 
As experts are still debating whether we are at the end of this pandemic’s tunnel, it behooves us all to take a moment and marvel at the incredible work achieved by one particular professional category under intense pressure. 
This pandemic was an absolute stress test on doctors, nurses, paramedics, virologists, epidemiologists, ambulance drivers, pharmacists and many more professionals in the medical field. With no time to waste, they uplifted whole communities from sickness to health, often at great personal cost. For 2 years, this has been the hallmark of the medical profession across the globe. Our health professionals at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University were no exception in that momentum.
During this pandemic, you may have remembered the UM6P Health Center by the numerous emails urging you to adhere to necessary precautions (a vigilance we should all be thankful for!) But underneath that awareness effort was a fully-fledged scientific infrastructure dedicated to not only testing and treating positive cases, but also arranging the physical spaces that allowed the UM6P community to continue operating safely. 
Behind every distancing sign, disinfecting booth, well-placed chair or mask distributor was a carefully thought out strategy emanating from the dedicated workforce of our Health Center. In compliance with national and international norms pertaining to pandemic management, the UM6P Health Center has in 2 years conducted more than 10,000 tests, administered more than 8700 nights for positive and contact cases within confinement structures, and assisted more than 260 students in recovery from COVID. On top of reinforcing hygiene and quality standards for catering, the Health Center also established a wellness cell dedicated to psychological assistance in a rather uncertain juncture. 
On behalf of our community, UM6P extends its heartfelt gratitude to the medical professionals of our Health Center, but also across Morocco’s hospitals and medical facilities. Your unprecedented mobilization is a reminder that no challenge is too great for the forces of dedication and solidarity. Thank you.