Technology Transfer Office

Technology Transfer Office

The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) aims to manage technology transfer and protect, promote, and enhance Intellectual Property (IP) developed within the research laboratories of UM6P and born-out-of-research work. It has an intellectual property charter and policy. Its mission is to protect IP, organize relations between UM6P and its employees, and transfer inventions and discoveries to the socio-economic sector.

The TTO ensures the transfer of Research and Development (R&D) results to the socio-economic world according to international standards and the rule-of-the-art to put UM6P in a forward-thinking position regarding the impact of research and innovation.



Apart from the IP, UM6P/ TTO stands out with two platforms for accelerating the transfer of technology and know-how:

1- The Technological Development Unit (TechCell) is an accelerated transfer platform for chemical technologies and processes with a maturity level greater than TRL3. It aims to link university research to industrial applications while promoting research results and ensuring a smooth technology transfer. TechCell brings together a multidisciplinary team of professors and engineers.

The main missions of TechCell are:

• Carry out basic engineering studies and designs of prototypes/pilot plants

• Seek the intensification, modularization, and sustainability of processes.

• Implementation of safe operating, monitoring, and control practices

• Develop requirements and collect technical data

• Manufacture and construction of prototypes and pilot plants

• Perform technological maturation assessments

• Perform a life cycle analysis

2- AMTTPA Accelerated Mining Technology Transfer Platform for Africa (AMTTPA) is a technology transfer acceleration platform for Africa’s mining sector. AMTTPA aims to develop the mining sector in Africa by creating a bridge between academic research and the socio-economic ecosystem through technology transfer through:


Technology transfer of projects with a maturity level greater than TRL3.

The creation, development, and management of Open Innovation spaces (Living Labs) dedicated to the mining sector.

Executive training and professional qualification.

Boost or even create mining startups.

Technical diligence in the mining sector.