Un catalyseur d’une nouvelle Afrique active
Un centre d’excellence qui forme une nouvelle génération de leaders engagés
Bâtisseurs d’une nouvelle Afrique.


UM6P is a center of excellence that trains a new generation of committed leaders, the builders of the new Africa.

Its innovative approach puts research and innovation at the heart of its educational system as the engine of a business model in which students are the creators of solutions. The construction of its programs is inspired by African challenges such as - food security, urbanization, industrialization, and the management of public policies. Applied research initiates the educational model and sparks innovation. Which allows everyone - student, researcher, or professor, to see their projects to completion thanks to an entrepreneurial support system.


With the current situation of the continent, education must be rethought to meet the expectations of the future youth. Digitalization is a promising force that provides access to knowledge for all via innovative platforms that UM6P envisions online, but also offline. In this virtual campus everyone can learn, express themselves, get involved, and offer their solutions. This avant-garde educational model distributes knowledge and builds on the students’ ability to self-manage their learning.


Within both the Science & Technology and Governance &Business Administration divisions, the programs transmit the ambitions of the students by offering them an exceptional learning environment. In particular thanks to the “Living Labs” which are real-scale experimental platforms, offering real conditions where everyone can test their learnings or ideas.


What does the future hold? A campus in a new, green and intelligent city, which will welcome industrial operators, digitalization, agrobioscience, and behavioral science specialists. This interactive ensemble will revolve around a temple of knowledge where, in just a few years, with more than 6,000 students and 400 researcher professors, trained mainly in Africa by Africa.

Join us! Come and accept this challenge, develop your potential, and contribute to the spread of African excellence.



TV5 Monde - Interview avec Hicham El Habti, Secrétaire Général de l'UM6P