Students' engagement

Social Experience Program

The Social Experience Program (SEP) is a community engagement program for UM6P students. The aim is to encourage them to undertake civic actions and instill a culture of sharing between young people and their community.

The variety of SEP offers allows students to engage throughout the whole year and during their enrolment at UM6P with social organizations, civil society organizations, or social enterprises.

Missions of the SEP

  • Develop the students' citizen awareness; 
  • Encourage the culture of giving back to the society; 
  • Establish a dynamic of sharing between the students and their community; 
  • Mobilize young people to solve real problems and improve other people's quality of life; 
  • Support social organizations in the expansion of their activity; 
  • Motivate to undertake initiatives at the service of the community. 
Types of SEP offers

Academic internships

The students put into practice skills related to their training in the service of projects with a social and human orientation. The internships take place during a period in which volunteers do not have classes and can entirely free themselves to pursue their training.

  • Summer internship: For students undergoing their training and over a duration of 1 to 3 months ;
  • End of study internship: open to students pursuing the last semester of their studies and over 2 to 6 months. 


Civic actions

That can be scheduled during students' free time (Weekends, school holidays, after classes, etc.) and take less than a month to close. 

  • Community immersion: Societal and civic actions that do not require the use of the students' technical skills. Ex: Tree planting campaigns, tutoring, and support courses;
  • Student consultants: Students base their interventions on the skills acquired during their training. Ex: Business plan realization or processes optimization.



The benefit to host our students as SEP volunteers

By hosting a student from UM6P for an internship or civic action, the organization will integrate a resource that can contribute to instilling a new spirit in their team and organization. They will also benefit from the experience and the support of their mentors and supervisors to directly support them. We trust that our students will be attentive to their requests and ready to help them in their actions.

Official Partner