In Africa, Morocco now welcomes a large number of African students who are expatriating to train in a multicultural and international context conducive to their future success.

Thus in 2017, under the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the UM6P was founded to contribute to this pan-African adventure whose primary vision is offered as a place of emulation, administered by Africans for Africans concerned about the future of their continent.

The UM6P is aware that its "international" label is the fruit of a policy of convergence of interests affecting African nations, economic operators, researchers from all horizons, cosmopolitan teachers and students of various origins.

With nearly 20,000 African students hosted on Moroccan territory, the UM6P wishes to offer an educational, structural and cultural environment that meets both the essential expectations of any newcomer but also their needs for skills development to promote their integration future in the professional world.

UM6P’s vision is to become a catalyst for the entire continent by offering the greatest number of Africans an innovation platform and by facilitating, through scholarship support, the integration of brilliant and deserving students.

Its mission is to welcome you and give you the keys to your autonomy in terms of learning and development. The programs delivered according to an innovative pedagogy, put strong emphasis on the development of your capacity to self-train, to seek the resources necessary for your own project and to validate your working hypotheses thanks to the "Living Labs". These experimental platforms, available in the form of farms, mines, industrial complexes and simulation laboratories, are a great opportunity to live in real and professional mission conditions and to build up field experience essential to the start of your career.

The educational content is built from needs studies carried out in the various territories of the African continent and provides cutting-edge knowledge and techniques integrating the strength of the Digital which invests all sectors today. Thus, diploma in your pocket, you will be able to provide sustainable and exportable solutions throughout Africa but also around the world.

In addition to the educational aspect, the UM6P knows that your integration in Morocco and, more precisely in your new daily university environment, is an essential factor for your success. She makes every effort to guarantee your well-being on an intellectual, cultural, social and sporting level, by offering you a living environment of exceptional quality which you will find the description in the section "Life at Campus" (LINK)

In line with its civic commitment, the UM6P, a non-profit university, supports the most brilliant international students through an attractive system of study and life grants.

At the same time, Morocco also supports the initiatives of young people wishing to emancipate themselves professionally via organizations such as AMCI, a Moroccan agency for international cooperation which for more than 30 years has had the mission of developing, expanding and strengthening the whole. cultural, scientific, technical and economic relations with partner countries.

Like your Moroccan counterparts, for your integration project within one or more Post-Bac or Master programs, you are invited to join the UM6P according to the following process:

  •  Online pre-registration  
  • Preselection on file
  • Written tests and / or individual interviews (possibly online or off-site)

For a Doctorate project, you are invited to consult the calls for applications published in the section, to take note of the topics involved in the “Training> Doctorate” section and to follow the methods indicated in accordance with the schedule