UM6P Zero Waste Movement : UM6P Etu’TROC



Within UM6P Zero Waste Movement, UM6P Etu’Troc is an online solution for UM6P community to exchange small household appliances, interior furniture, school supplies, crockery, accessories, plants …etc. in order to avoid throwing them the traditional way and instead giving these objects a second life in another home or dormitory.  Since many students leave behind a significant amount of objects once they move away for their trainings and/or internships, Etu’Troc offers to exchange, sell or give them away to other community members.

The exchange is simple and easy :

Join the Facebook group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/um6petutroc)
Accept the rules of the group
Precise the type of exchange : swapping (Troc), selling or donating
Upload a picture of the object
Provide brief information about the object
Publish in the group