
UM6P organizes the first edition ofi its Scientific Days in Benguerir

An opportunity to discuss the latest scientific trends in the fields of healthcare, digital and artificial intelligence

UM6P organizes on November 10th and 11th November 2021 in Benguerir the first edition of the Scientific Days. The event will be composed of conferences as well as debates around the latest scientific trends in the fields of healthcare, digital and artificial intelligence. 
During two days, renowned international experts experts will present the state of these innovations in the context of their relevance  and their controversies in society. The objective of these conferences is to launch a global reflection on the latest scientific advances by making them available to the general public.


This event will also be marked by the diversity of the speakers' fields, which will contribute to promulgate a holistic reflection on the contemporary scientific evolution and its consequences for human societies. Each of the invited speakers is a reference in at least one of these fields: digital, medicine, genetics space exploration, neurology, ethics, research and innovation. Following each conference, the French journalist Stéphane Paoli will moderate a debate on the subject. through which the UM6P academic community will be able to interact openly with the speakers.


This event will be marked by the intervention of eminent personalities of politics and scientific research, namely: -

- Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS, former CEO of INRIA 

- François Mattéi, Former Minister of Health, Family and the Handicapped, former President of the French Red Cross, President of the Academy of Medicine

- Jean-Yves Le Gall, Former Ambassador of the IAF (International Astronautical Federation), former President of CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales), former Chairman of the ESA (European Space Agency), former CEO of Arianespace. -

- Erol Gélénbé, Professor at Imperial College (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Fellow of IEEE, ACM, RSS, IFIP 

- Klaus Leisinger, President of the Global Values Alliance Foundation, former CEO of the Novartis Foundation

- Patrice Debré, Professor, Academy of Medicine, Former French Ambassador for AIDS and Emerging Diseases

- Fadila Boughanémi, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Research and Innovation - European Commission.


With a strong commitment to research, innovation and academic cooperation in Africa, UM6P has worked since its inauguration in 2017 to incubate an environment of constructive reflection on major societal issues related to scientific progress. The Scientific Days are therefore a new step after many years of efforts to democratize access to cutting-edge scientific production by citizens, decision makers and opinion makers. In order to allow the widest possible dissemination, the Scientific Days conferences will be broadcasted live on the UM6P Agora screen, as well as on the university's multiple online channels.