UM6P, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the OCP Foundation launch the Moroccan Retail Tech Builder "MRTB"

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, UM6P and the OCP Foundation launched on April 7, 2022 in Rabat a campaign to identify 100 startups that will benefit from the support offer of Moroccan Retail Tech Builder "MRTB". This is a national initiative within the framework of the Recovery Plan of the Trade sector. Under the Royal impetus to accelerate the digital transformation, the generalization of digital services and the simplification of procedures and administrative formalities in favor of users, the project echoes the political initiatives and economic and institutional reforms launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and which place the Human Capital at the center of their priorities.

This event was an opportunity to review the impact of digital transformation for the acceleration of the commerce sector and to share the vision and support offers of this Venture Builder with public and private actors involved in the sector. The speakers also explained the inclusion of the MRTB in the projections of the new development model that promotes a more inclusive and supportive Morocco, an innovative economy, competitive and supports productive investment, sources of decent jobs.

The content of the MRTB program and the result of a public-private partnership, was co-constructed with all the actors of the trade sector. Indeed, startups and university researchers, sector federations, public institutions and experts met during several working sessions to consult, share and develop a common and innovative vision, including the Open Innovation Retail Workshop that took place in July 2021.

Today, the MRTB has opened its doors and launches, through this conference, the communication campaign for the identification of the next ambassadors and champions of Retail in Morocco. The call for applications concerns an offer of support for the acceleration, creation, incubation and pre-incubation of Moroccan startups of all stages of maturity, in order to stimulate the development of innovative digital solutions to serve the retail sector and consumers, allowing it to both modernize and improve its added value, and this, by 2024.

In order to allow them to benefit from an environment conducive to their development, the beneficiaries of the 4 MRTB programs: "Think", "Start", "Create" and "Scale" will be hosted at the startup campus founded by UM6P "Startgate", which already pilots a range of incubation, creation and acceleration programs.

For more information, please visit the portal dedicated to the program: