
UM6P, IRESEN and OCP Group signed a partnership agreement for the implementation of the GREEN H2A technology platform

The Institute of Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN), University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) and the OCP Group, proceeded last Thursday, November 25th to the signature of a partnership agreement at the UM6P campus in Benguerir, aiming at implementing the technological platform GREEN H2A dedicated to the R&D and the Innovation in the field of Green Hydrogen and its Applications ("Power-To-X" - PtX)

The ambition of this infrastructure, a first on an African scale, is to play a major role in the industrial deployment of the green hydrogen sector and its applications in Morocco. It will allow to investigate, test, demonstrate, adapt to the local context, and scale up the innovative technologies of this promising sector of the future.