
UM6P Explorer program closes its third cohort with a virtual showcase


The 3rd cohort of the UM6P Explorer program finished on Thursday, August 26, 2021 with a virtual showcase. This demo day showcased a selection of entrepreneurs from the UM6P ecosystem and provided an unparalleled opportunity for visitors to get a closer look at their innovative projects.

The showcase program included a plenary session with a panel of Explorer program participants sharing their entrepreneurial journey to date, followed by public visits to the teams' presentation rooms. These visits allowed the participating teams to interact with the audience and answer various questions about their startups.

The project holders belong to different partners of UM6P including, among others, the coding schools 1337 and YouCode, the Green Energy Park, Mascir, Akhawayn University, Mohammed V University, Hassan II University and Cadi Ayyad University. In total, 24 projects were present in the showcase. In total, 24 projects were present in the showcase.

- Agriculture:

Spiru-star offers dietary supplements to fight malnutrition and meet the dietary needs of the world's population.

Entomonutris is a biotech startup based in Morocco and Canada that commercializes a new source of proteins and biofertilizers from insect farming for agriculture and aquaculture.

Fymac marketplace is a Moroccan platform for sharing agricultural equipment. The platform offers farmers opportunities to rent and share equipment that can reduce costs and create value for all stakeholders.

Air to products aims to enrich air with CO2 for better plant growth and yield in greenhouses using a new separation process.

- E-Commerce:

Gudcy is creating a platform for selling personalized merchandise.

Wallgame is a startup that aims to make game purchases easier and more accessible to Moroccan gamers, especially those under 18, who do not have a credit card.

Giftlab offers unique gifts in personalized handmade boxes.

E-Takchita is an e-commerce platform specializing in the marketing of traditional Moroccan clothing, luxury accessories and second-hand crafts. E-Takchita aims to enhance the Moroccan cultural heritage, to meet the market demand and to allow Moroccan craftsmen to find their customers.

Balab is an online marketplace where users can buy and sell second-hand products. The platform aims to make buying and selling easier than other platforms located inside or outside the country.

Restauration is a mobile application aimed at connecting restaurants with customers.

Snack Chat offers high-quality, sugar- and additive-free dry foods rich in protein and antioxidants, delivered in reusable bags with a wide range of choices and a personalized experience.

Dwati is a platform that allows users to order medicines online and have them delivered to their homes.

- Energy :

Helios-Cab aims to develop new means of transportation for the cities of tomorrow.

Smart Comfort Building proposes an automatic thermal comfort system. This system is interconnected to the different thermal equipment of the building to automatically regulate the temperature when needed.

- Environment:

MoNaCo transforms biomass waste into high value-added sustainable bioproducts for use in areas such as construction, agriculture, packaging, automotive and aerospace.

Repa-BSF is developing an innovative technique that uses insects to transform household waste into protein-rich feed. The startup is currently testing its solution on waste from the UM6P canteen.

Marshy enables customers to optimize the purchasing process of organic products.

- Healthcare:

Glutect is developing an infrared-based gluten detector. The startup is currently in the prototyping phase and hopes to soon contribute to improving the daily lives of patients suffering from celiac disease.

ITMED Morocco is working on hospital digitalization, bringing added value and innovative services to the various players in the hospital system.

- IT:

Naja7 aims to gamify students' learning methods and help them achieve better results while having fun.

I-sense offers a unique solution capable of monitoring assets on a large scale through its advanced IoT-based technologies.

Masterlab offers online courses taught by a group of renowned local trainers. Inspiring, memorable, and effective, these courses are designed to enhance learners' creativity and performance.

- Mobile:

Blaaan Go is a gathering app that provides an A-Z guide to pre-planned appointments based on budget and other selection criteria such as public transportation costs, popular venues and prices.

AtlasTrip is a mobile app that allows backpacking enthusiasts to get help during their trips. The startup uses artificial intelligence to reduce the risks associated with excursions and trekking in Morocco.


Explorer is a program developed by UM6P in collaboration with the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, with the aim of providing access to entrepreneurial training, mentoring and potential funding opportunities to entrepreneurs and innovators in Moroccan universities. The Explorer program includes two cohorts of entrepreneurs per year: "Fall" and "Spring".

Explorer is part of UM6P's entrepreneurship and innovation platform. It offers a practical, accessible, and personalized approach that accelerates the development of the startup. The program's mentors come from both MIT and the Moroccan entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Explorer's pedagogy is based on "learning by doing". In addition to coaching, the program provides entrepreneurs with funding ranging from Dh10,000 to Dh250,000 to help the startup develop a prototype and find its first customers.