UM6P and " Groupe Crédit Agricole du Maroc " join forces for the development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Morocco


GCAM and the UM6P have signed, this Wednesday, June 9, two partnership agreements:
- A global convention defining the general framework of the partnership between the two institutions
- A specific agreement on the terms of collaboration between the GCAM and the Curiosity Lab, one of the UM6P's entrepreneurship support programs

These agreements are part of the implementation of CAM's strategy of collaboration with the innovation ecosystem and the deployment of an open innovation program with UM6P, that will impact various subjects such as financial services, financial inclusion, agriculture, rural areas, youth entrepreneurship...

The UM6P, for its part, has set up several support programs for the national and continental entrepreneurial ecosystem, confirming its desire to become an African innovation hub based on three pillars: scientific research, training and entrepreneurship. To date, more than 200 project leaders and startups are incubated in the startups campus of Benguerir named "StartGate", where they are accompanied by the different programs until the stage of equity investment for mature projects.  

The GCAM and UM6P are thus committed to supporting the creation, co-construction, development and implementation of job-creating projects, thereby contributing to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in Morocco.

CAM is the first partner of the rural world and is strongly committed to its socio-economic development and to the support of the green transition. It is a key player in the reflection on innovative solutions impacting the agricultural and rural world and is continuously working for their deployment. 

These agreements reinforce the Bank's large-scale support to the Generation Green 2020-2030 strategy and the creation of a rural middle class and the development of youth entrepreneurship.

