A new collaboration between MAHIR Center and SAPIR College


In March 2022, MAHIR Center welcomed ten students from SAPIR College (Israel) who had worked with MAHIR participants to film five documentaries on the Judeo-Moroccan heritage in the Mellah of Marrakech.

The five movies were made in November 2022 and presented at several festivals and events in Morocco, Israel, and soon elsewhere.

This year, MAHIR is repeating the experience. On Sunday, March 12, 2023, ten participants from the Center traveled to Israel, more precisely to Sderot, in order to produce podcasts and articles on the theme of “Emerging adulthood”, in collaboration with 8 students from the Communication Department of SAPIR College.

In addition to working on their creations, this trip is an opportunity for MAHIR participants to experience cultural exchange in a country where one million Moroccans of the Jewish faith live.