
Mrs. Fatima-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, and Social and Solidarity Economy on an official visit to UM6P



Within the framework of the "Mourafaka" program jointly carried out by the Cooplab of UM6P and the Office of Development Cooperation, we welcomed on Wednesday April 6th a delegation chaired by Mrs. Fatima-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Handicraft, and Social and Solidarity Economy.


Accompanied by representatives of the Ministry, the INDH and the ODCO, sessions of institutional presentations took place in the presence of UM6P President. Mrs. Fatima-Zahra Ammor also discovered the ecosystem as well as the cooperatives benefiting from the program.


*The program "Mourafaka" is a post-creation support initiative for newly created cooperatives. In quantitative terms, the 5-year program aims to strengthen the capacities of 2000 newly created cooperatives (500 per year), which will improve and sustain the income of about 200,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries.