MAHIR Center launched the second edition of Boudhour


BOUDHOUR (seeds in Arabic) is an initiative launched by MAHIR Center to encourage young Moroccans to discover their history.

In 2022, the center’s participants received 25 documents, in three languages, Arabic, English and French, that tackle different historical events. In groups of 3–4 members, they deeply analyzed these topics and produced documentaries, podcasts, and reports that sum up the results of their research.

MAHIR Center is repeating the experience this year. Monday, March 6th, 2023, eleven documents were proposed to 36 participants divided into nine groups. Some examples of selected topics include: “Al-Ma^mun, the pyramids and the hieroglyphs”, “Voltaire and the enlightenment”, “The Gnawa Guinbri: From Concealment to Exhibition”…

See you Friday, April 28th, 2023, to discover the participants’ creations.