JFD programme: The second call for proposals is open!

You are an early-stage professor working in Africa, and you wish to lead an outstanding research project? This call is for you!

As part of the Excellence in Africa initiative jointly implemented by EPFL and UM6P, the EXAF centre is launching the second call for proposals of the Junior Faculty Development programme :

UM6P and EPFL have launched the Excellence in Africa initiative (EXAF) to support the training of the next generation of researchers in Africa. In this context, the ground-breaking JFD programme aims to enhance the research skills of young and talented professors based in Africa, through collaborations with EPFL professors. The final objective of this programme is to enable the implementation of research projects with very valuable economic and societal impacts in Africa.

The second call for proposals for this programme is now open. The deadline for applications is 16 November 2022 (17h00 HEC). The JFD candidates benefitting from this programme will jointly implement innovative research for the next 4-5 years.

The first phase of the call for proposals, which is opening today, is addressed solely to professors in Africa. The main evaluation criteria will be the excellency of the postulants, as well as the intrinsic quality of their project description.

Shortlisted application will be proposed to EPFL professors in the same field of research of the applicants (or in a related field). EPFL professors interested in an application will be matched with their colleagues in Africa. These tandems will then refine their research project and apply to the next phase of the call. External experts and a scientific committee will then evaluate the applications. On this basis, the management body of the EXAF initiative will the select the granted applications.

For more details, please visit the Excellence in Africa website.
