
On this International Day of Education, UM6P honors all educators on the frontlines of development

Every January 24th, the world’s teachers, professors, researchers, policymakers and civil society leaders pause to contemplate, evaluate and celebrate what is probably the most puzzling field in international development: education. No wonder.

Even before the advent of the digital age, education has always been seen as the silver bullet. Its role cannot possibly be overstated in equipping future minds with the tools to succeed, fostering equality, encouraging initiative and nurturing good citizenship. Thanks to a school and a teacher,whole communities across the globe have been able to break away from decades of poverty & disenfranchisement. Our collective improved living conditions in terms of income, infrastructure or health can all be attributed one way or another to the intellectual labor of scientists who owed their prowess to education.

As we emphasize education’s vital role in catalyzing sustainable development, it is also important to witness the long and tenuous road ahead: UNESCO estimates that 258 million children worldwide do not attend school. In our continent Africa, 60% of youths between the ages of 15 and 17 are out of school, and less than 40% of girls finish their lower secondary education. For a continent that is 60% younger than 25, these numbers are an urgent to action for all education specialists.

At Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), education is not just our business, but our guiding philosophical and operational compass.Our very founding documents enshrine our mission of delivering the public good that is education at the regional, national and African levels.


Keenly aware of such a monumental responsibility, UM6P has focused from its inception on unlocking the potential of its Moroccan and African students no matter where they come from through awarding scholarships at a rate of 91%.


Such potential is also unlocked through the distinctive nature of our curricula. Convinced that a university education must feel empowering for its seekers, UM6P has implemented a teaching methodology based on learning by doing. By encouraging students to try their hands at reality-based experiments before encountering theory, we instill the sense of wonder, curiosity and critical thinking that makes learning an enjoyable endeavor. Given the promising results of our first batches of students, it is our firm belief that replicating such an approach across Africa can significantly contribute to lowering school drop-out rates.

Education is not just about transfer of skills, but is above all a tool for crafting more just and equal societies. At Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, we are particularly proud to have attained a 53% female student population rate in less than 5 years of existence. Along with their male counterparts, these future women leaders are spread throughout three academic poles complementing each other: Science & Technology, Humanities & Business & Management. Today, these young minds total 3458. By 2025, our ambition is to reach 6000 students, with the same emphasis on equality, diversity and inclusion.


On this International Day of Education, Mohamed VI Polytechnic University also pays tribute to the professorial corps nurturing future generations within its campuses and across all educational institutions. This January 24th is also a day to commemorate their often challenging, but ultimately rewarding profession. So if you run across an educator on that day, make sure to thank them for their service!