Affiliate Professor
General informations

SALMI Khalid

Institute of Educational Sciences (ISE)
Science & Technology
Techno-pedagogy, Didactic simulations, Electromagnetics
Pedagogy, Didactics, Physics


Dr. Khalid SALMI is an Affiliate Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences (ISE) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic university (uM6P). A Permanent Professor in the Department of Physics at Mohammed Premier university, he is in charge of several teaching and supervising duties. Pr. Salmi has a Master's degree in Psychology and Educational Sciences from Leon university in Spain, a Master's degree in Electronics and Applied Informatics, and a Ph.D. in Distance Learning and in Developing Didactic Simulations in Physics, both from Mohammed Premier university in oujda. Pr. Salmi has expertise in ICT and technology in education, especially at the higher education level. He is part of several teams/projects in education at a national level, cooperating with the Regional Center for Education and Training Jobs (CRMEF). Pr. Salmi has a publication record in scientific journals and international conferences in university pedagogy and techno-pedagogy and served as a TCP / reviewer for several journals and manifestation.

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