Publications: ESAFE et AgBS

Ecole des Sciences de l’Agriculture, Fertilisants et Environnement  ESAFE  et Agro Biosciences AgBS

  • M El Achaby, Z Kassab, A Aboulkas, C Gaillard, A Barakat. Reuse of red algae waste for the production of cellulose nanocrystals and its application in polymer nanocomposites 2017, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, in press    
  • Lazuka, C Roland, A Barakat, F Guillon, M O'Donohue. Ecofriendly lignocellulose pretreatment to enhance the carboxylate production of a rumen-derived microbial consortium. Bioresource Technology 2017, 236, 225-233    
  • F Marazzi, C Sambusiti, F Monlau, SE Cecere, D Scaglione, A Barakat. A novel option for reducing the optical density of liquid digestate to achieve a more productive microalgal culturing. Algal Research 2017, 24, 19-28
  • Ahmed Nafis Najoua Elhidar Brahim Oubaha Asma Azmani, Salah Eddine Samri, Timo Niedermyer, Noureddine Mezrioui, Lahcen Hassani, Barakate Mustapha (2018). Research of Secondary Metabolites with Non-polyenic Antifungal Activity Produced by Actinomycetes Isolated from Different Moroccan Habitats. January 2018 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_358 In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. 
  • Assia Kritihi, Khadija Ouaissa, Abdel Aziz Maychal, Youness Oumessaoud, Mustapha  Barakate, Mustapha Hasnaoui (2018).  Biochemical and Enzymatic Characterization of a Gram-negative Fish Pathogen Isolated in Morocco from Rainbow Trout and Comparison with Isolates of Other Countries and Sources.  Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration January 2018  pp 413-415.  DOI10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_130 In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions


Publications :


  • Oubaha Brahim, Nafis Ahmed, Baz Mohamed, Mauch Felix & Barakate Mustapha. The potential of antagonistic Moroccan Streptomyces isolates for the biological control of damping-off disease of pea (pissum sativum l.) Caused by Aphanomyces euteiches. accepted for publication to Journal of phytopathology.  Accepted  4 November 2018. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12775 Impact factor 0.853
  • Ahmed Nafis , Najoua Elhidar, Brahim Oubaha, Salah Eddine Samri, Timo Niedermeyer, Yedir Ouhdouch, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Screening for Non-polyenic Antifungal Produced by Actinobacteria from Moroccan Habitats: Assessment of Antimycin A19 Production by Streptomyces albidoflavus AS25.  International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine (IJMCM) Spring 2018, Vol 7, No 2 DOI: 10.22088/IJMCM.BUMS.7.2.133.
  • Ahmed Nafis , Brahim Oubaha, Najoua Elhidar, Nico Ortlieb, Andreas Kulik, Timo Niedermeyer, Yedir Ouhdouch, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Novel production of two new non-polyenic antifungal macrolide derivatives by Streptomyces Z26 isolated from moroccan Rhizospheric soil. January 2018. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 18(2):176-185. DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2018.176.185
  • Loubna Ait Dra, Malika Ait Sidi Brahim, Brahim Boualy, Abdellah Aghraz, Mustapha Barakate, Saadia Oubaassine, Mohamed Markouk, Mustapha Larhsini. Chemical composition, antioxidant and evidence antimicrobial synergistic effects of Periploca laevigata essential oil with conventional antibiotics. Industrial Crops and products Vol. 109 (2017): 746–752. Impact factor 3.181
  • Belattmania Z., Bentiss F., Jama C., Barakate M., Katif C., Reani A., Sabour B. (2017). Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using sodium alginate from the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum. Journal of BioNanoScience, 8(2): 617-623, DOI 10.1007/s12668-018-0518-3.  Impact factor 
  • Ahmed Nafis, Brahim OUBAHA,  Asma AZMANI, Salah Eddine SAMRI, Timo NIEDERMEYER, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Novonestmycines A et B, deux dérivés d’antifongiques non polyéniques nouvellement produits par Streptomyces sp. Z26.Journal de Mycologie Médicale/Journal of Medical Mycology 27(3):e44 DOI10.1016/j.mycmed.2017.04.101
  • Bargaz A, Lyamloul K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y, and Dhiba D. (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system. Review, Front. Microbiol. - Microbial Symbioses. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 1606.
  • Bargaz A, Noyce G, Fulthorp R, Carlsson G, Jensen ES, Dhiba D, Isaac M. (2017). Species interactions enhance root allocation, microbial diversity and P acquisition in intercropped wheat and soybean. Applied Soil Ecology. 120, 179-188. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.08.011
  • Abdi N, Bargaz A, L’taif B, Bouraoui M, Hmissi I, Sifi B. (2017). Rhizobial efficiency increases in common bean supplied with sparingly soluble calcium-phosphorus. Journal of Plant Nutrition,
  • Lazali Mohamed &Bargaz Adnane(2017)Examples of Belowground Mechanisms Enabling Legumes to Mitigate Phosphorus Deficiency. A Chapter (pp 135-152); Springer International Publishing AG 2017 S. Sulieman, L.-S.P. Tran (eds.), Legume Nitrogen Fixation in Soils with Low Phosphorus Availability. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55729-8_7
  • Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A (2018). Plants Extracts and Secondary Metabolites, their extraction methods and use in agriculture for controlling crop stresses and improving productivity: A review. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants. AJMP-18-139. DOI: 10.15413ajmp.2018.0139
  • Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A (2018) Combining QSAR Approach and Structural Analysis to Derive an SAR map of Lyn Kinase Inhibition. Molecules-376834 (in press) 
  • El Mezouari El Glaoui G, El Hayanya B, El Fels L, El Faiz A, Ezzariai A, Rihani M, Lebrihi A, Bekkaoui F, Hafidi M (2018) Physico-chemical and spectroscopy assessment of sludge biodegradation during semi-industrial composting under semi-arid climate. Waste and Biomass Valorization.
  • Lamaoui M, Jemo M, Datla R & Bekkaoui F. Physiological and genetic approaches to improve heat and drought tolerance in plants. 2017. Frontiers in Chemistry, 6, 26. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00026
  • Jemo M, Sulieman S, Bekkaoui F, Olomide O, Hashem A , Abd_Allah EF, Alqarawi AA and Phan Tran L-S (2017). Comparative analysis of the combined effects of water deficit and phosphate deficiency on growth and biological nitrogen fixation of nine cowpea varieties. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 8, 2111.
  • Naylo, A., Pereira, S., Benidire, L., El Khalil, H., Castro, P., Ouvrard, S., Schwartz, C., Boularbah, A. 2018. Trace and major element contents, microbial communities, enzymatic activities of urban soils of Marrakech city along an anthropization gradient.  Journal of soils and Sediments. Sous press.
  • Feng, N., H. Ghoveisi, A. Boularbah, G. Bitton, and JC. Bonzongo. 2018. Effect of Aging and Wet-dry Cycles on the Elimination of the Bioavailable Fractions of Cu and Zn in Contaminated Soils by Zero Valent Iron and Magnetic Separation Techniques. Journal of Environmental Engineering. J. Environ. Eng., 2018, 144(8): 04018068
  • Feng, N., H. Ghoveisi, A. Boularbah, G. Bitton, and JC. Bonzongo. Combined Use of Zero Valent Iron and Magnetic Separation for ex-situ Removal of Bioavailable Metals from Contaminated Sediments. 2018. Soil and Sediment Contamination. 27:1–16.
  • Wolfgang Burghardt, Jean Louis Morel, Salah A. Tahoun, Gan-Lin Zhang, Richard K. Shaw, Ali Boularbah, Przemysław Charzyński, Christina Siebe, Kye-Hoon John Kim . 2017. Activities of SUITMA: from origin to future, in “Soils within Citie”s, Edition: 1st. Catena-Schweizerbart, ISBN 978-3-510-65411-6.
  • Mohamed Farissi, Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Variation in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and membrane potential root cortex cells of two alfalfa populations under salinity: Assessment of antioxidant potential role in salt tolerance. Archives of Biological Sciences. (IF: 0.367,In press)DOI: 10.2298/ABS171019001F
  • Bouchra Makoudi, Ablaa Kabbadj, Mohammed Mouradi, Laurie Amenc, Odile Domergue, Matthew Blair, Jean-Jacques Drevon, Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Phosphorus deficiency increases nodule phytase activity of faba bean - rhizobia symbiosis. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. Thomson Reuters. (IF 1.364)DOI: 10.1007/s11738-018-2619-6.
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Ahmed Qaddoury & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Medicago sativa-rhizobia symbiosis under water deficit: Physiological, antioxidant and nutritional responses in nodules and leaves. Journal of Plant Nutrition, (IF: 0.618) 41(3): 384-395. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2017.1385805
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Qaddoury & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Assessment of deficit irrigation responses of Moroccan alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) landraces grown under field conditions. Irrigation and Drainage, (IF: 0.565) 67 (2): 179-190DOI: 10.1002/ird.2190.
  • Khadraji A. and Ghoulam  C., 2017. Effect of drought on growth, physiological and biochemical processes of chickpea-rhizobia symbiosis. Legume Research, 40 (1) : 94-99 DOI:10.18805/lr.v0iOF.3771  
  • Ablaa Kabbadj, BouchraMakoudi, Mohammed Mouradi, Pierre Frendo, Nicolas Pauly, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Physiological and biochemical responses involved in water deficit tolerance of nitrogen-fixing Vicia faba. PLoS ONE (IF:3.057)12(12): e0190284.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190284.
  • Ahmed Khadraji, Mohammed Mouradi, Chafika Houasli, Ahmed Qaddoury, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Growth and antioxidant responses during early growth of winter and spring chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under water deficit as affected by osmopriming. Seed Sciences and Technology (IF: 0.521)45:1-14.DOI: 10.15258/sst.2017.45.1.16.
  • Mohamed Farissi, Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Amélioration de la germination de la luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) sous stress salin par traitement pré-germinatif. Fourrages (IF :0.202) 228, 261-264.
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Bouchra Makoudi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Effect of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)–rhizobia symbiosis on barley’s growth, phosphorus uptake and acid phosphatase activity in the intercropping system. Annals of Agrarian Sciences ISSN: 1512-1887(In press)DOI: 10.1016/j.aasci.2018.05.003
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Lahbib Latrach, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Impact of the Salt Stress on the Agronomic Potential of the Moroccan Populations of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Under the Field Conditions of Marrakesh. Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (ISSN: 2509-2065, In press).
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Khadraji & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing rhizobia bacteria nodulatingVicia faba L. at the Haouz region of Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences (Scopus IF: 1.2 in 2016, In press)
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Khadraji, Bouchra Makoudi &Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Biochemical and antioxidant proprieties associated with the adaptation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)-rhizobia symbiosis to phosphorus deficit. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences (Scopus IF: 1.2 in 2016) 9(5): 1574-1581. DOI: 10.26872/jmes.2018.9.5.174
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Bouchra Makoudi, Adnane Bargaz, Mohamed Farissi, Ablaa Kabbadj, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Jean-Jacques Drevon & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Legume-rhizobia symbiosis enhances phosphorus fertilizers use efficiency in soil under field conditions. Procedia Engineering (IF: 0.74, In press)
  • Lahbib Latrach, Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Physiological characterization of rhizobial isolates nodulating alfalfa (Medicago sativa) isolated from soils of Southeastern Morocco. Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (ISSN: 2509-2065)3(4) 353-364.
  • Ahmed Khadraji, Mohammed Mouradi, Cherki Ghoulam, 2017. Phosphate solubilization potential, salinity and drought tolerance of rhizobia nodulating chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Moroccan Journal of Chemistry (IF: 0.552) 5(4): 722-729. 
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Yahya Lahrizi, Ahmed Qaddoury & CherkiGhoulam. 2018. "Alfalfa and its symbiosis responses to osmotic stress",New Perspectives in Forage Crops, Dr. Ricardo Edvan (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69760. Available from: (IF: 0.949).
  • Yassine ZEGZOUTI, Aziz BOUTAFDA, Loubna EL FELS, Miloud EL HADEK, Fatou NDOYE, Nalla MBAYE, Lamfeddal KOUISNI,  Mohamed HAFIDI : degradation Journal, (noScreening and molecular identification of autochthonous fungi tolerant to different types of leachate from landfill ecosystem .  Submitted on Exotox Env safety journal; October  2018. 
  • A. Aguelmous, L. El Fels, S. Souabi, M. Zamama, S. Lahsaini, M. Lebrihi, M. Hafidi :  Bioremediation of petroleum sludge by composting with green wastes in bioreactor and TPH removal assessment with gravimetrical, IR, GC/FID methods and phytotoxicity test. Submited on Environmental Science and Pollution Research, on Dec 2018.
  • Loubna EL FELS, Aziz BOUTAFDA, Yassine ZEGZOUTI, Nermine LAGHMIRI, Mouncif NEFFA, Lamfeddal KOUISNI, Moha TAOURIRT, Mohamed HAFIDI : Fe2+/Fe3+ /H2O2 as a system to improve the DCO removal and to degrad phenolic compounds in olive oil mill wastewater. Accepted manuscript (2019)
  • Aziz Boutafda, Yassine Zegzouti, Loubna El Fels, Yedir Ouhdouch, Ahmed Lebrihi,  Faouzi Bekkaoui, Mohamed Hafidi : Olive mill wastewater endogenous microflora removal potential:   Optimization and identification of polyphenol degrading yeasts. Submited daslinsation water and traitement July 28thn 2018. Accepted with corrections
  • Ahmed Khadra, Amine Ezzariai, Georges Merlina, Marion-Justine Capdeville, Hélène Budzinski , Hassan Hamdi, Eric Pinelli, Mohamed Hafidi : Fate of antibiotics present in a primary sludge of WWTP during their co-composting with palm wastes.  Waste Management, 84, 13–19 (2019).
  • Abdessamad FAKHECH, Mohamed AIT EL MOKHTAR, Lahcen OUAHMANE, Mohamed HAFIDI : Seasonality of mycorrhizal attributes, soil phosphorus and nitrogen of Juniperus phoenicea and Retama monosperma boiss. in an Atlantic sand dunes forest. Submitted on  Journal of Sustainable Forestry ; Novbember 2018. Accepted o, May 2010 (in press); (2018).
  • Ghizlen, El Mezouari El Glauoi; Bouchra, El Hayany; Loubna, El Fels; Abdelouahed, El Faiz; Amine, Ezzariai; Mohammed, Rihani; Ahmed, Lebrihi; Faouzi, Bekkaoui; Mohamed, Hafidi “Physico-Chemical and Spectroscopy Assessment of Sludge Biodegradation During Semi-Industrial Composting Under Semi-Arid Climate.” Waste and Biomass Valorization, (2018), 1–12.
  • Anas Aguelmous, Loubna El Fels, Salah Souabi, Mohamed Zamama, Abdelaziz Yasri, Ahmed Lebrihi, Mohamed Hafidi : Petroleum sludge bioremediation and its toxicity removal by landfilling under semi-arid conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 166, p482-487 (2018).
  • Amine, Ezzariai; Mohamed, Hafidi; Ahmed, Khadra; Quentin, Aemig; Loubna, El Fels; Maialen, Barret; Georges, Merlina; Dominique, Patureau; Eric, Pinelli “Human and Veterinary Antibiotics during Composting of Sludge or Manure: Global Perspectives on Persistence, Degradation, and Resistance Genes.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 359, 465–81(2018)
  • Amine, Ezzariai; David, Riboul; Marlène, Z., Lacroix; Maialen, Barret; Loubna, El Fels; Georges, Merlina; Alain, Bousquet-Melou; Dominique, Patureau; Eric, Pinelli; Mohamed, Hafidi “A Pressurized Liquid Extraction Approach Followed by Standard Addition Method and UPLC-MS/MS for a Fast-Multiclass Determination of Antibiotics in a Complex Matrix.” Chemosphere (2018), 211, 893–902 (2018)
  • Loubna, El Fels; Bouchra, El Hayany, Abdelouahed, El Faiz; Mustapha, Saadani; Mustapha, Houari; Mohamed, Hafidi “Sludge Nematodes , Cestodes , and Trematodes Eggs Variation from Lagooning , Activated Sludge and Infiltration-Percolation Wastewater Treatment System under Semi-Arid Climate.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2018), 1–7 (2018)
  • Slimane Lahsaini, Anas Aguelmous , Mohamed Chatoui , Laila Idrissi, Loubna El Fels, Salah Souabi, Mohamed Hafidi : Evolution of detergents in wastewater and sludge from refining industry of vegetable oils and their abatement by composting . Scientific Study & Research -Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, 19 (2), pp. 105 – 116 (2018)
  • Rachid Ait Babahmad, Abdellah Aghraz, Aziz Boutafda , Eleni G. Papazoglou, Petros A. Tarantilis, Charalampos Kanakis, Mohamed Hafidi , Yedir Ouhdouch, Abdelkader Outzourhit, Ahmed Ouhammou :Chemical composition of essential oil of Jatropha curcas L. leaves and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.  Industrial Crops & Products 121, pp 405–410, (2018)
  • Bouchra EL HAYANY, Ghizlen El MEZOUARI EL GLAOUI, Mohammed RIHANNI, Abdelouahed EL FAIZ, Mohamed EL GHAROUS, Mohamed HAFIDI, Loubna EL FELS: Effect of dewatering and composting on helminthes eggs removal from lagooning sludge under semi-arid climate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Issue 11, pp 10988–10996 (2018)
  • Hamim A, Boukesskass A, Duponnois R, Mrabet R, Hafidi M. :  Screening for ericoid fungi with lipase, proteinase and cellulase activity isolated in Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., Volume 9, Issue 5, Page 1431-1438 (2018)
  • Fatima Zahra EL OUAQOUDI, Abdelilah MEDDICH, Laurent LEMÉE, André AMBLÈS and Mohamed HAFIDI : Assessment of humic acids during composting of ligno-cellulose waste by thermochemolysis using TMAH. Waste and Biomasse Valorizationn, DOI 10.1007/s12649-018-0268-z (2018) (on line)
  • Loubna EL FELS, Abdelghani EL ASLI, Yeder OUHDOUCH, Mohamed HAFIDI : Monitoring of parasitological contamination of compost product and efficiency of co-composting process removal  of sludge helminth eggs. Environmental Engineering Management Journal.Vol.17, No. 2, 459-465 (2018)
  • Abderrahim FERRADOUS, Mohamed HAFIDI , Mohamed ALIFRIQUI,  Pascal DUPUIS et Ahmed OUHAMMOU : Production de plants d’Argania spinosa L. Skeels au Maroc : choix  du conteneur et du substrat. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2017, N° 334 (4), pp37-47 (2017)
  • Moussa S. Hassimi, Amal Boukeskass, Issa Adamou, Zoubeirou A. Mayaki, Yedir Ouhdouch et Mohamed Hafidi :  Characterization of thermophilic phosphate solubilizing microorganisms during grassland anaerobic biotransformation. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 11(6): 2764-2777 (2017)
  • Loubna El Fels, Mohamed Zamama, Anas Aguelmous, Bouchra El Hayany, Ghizlen El Mezouari El Glaoui, Abdelhafid Benksimf, Ilyesse Rahhou, Abdelfetah Mounir, Hassan Khajmi, Mohammed Rihani, Mohamed Hafidi : Assessment of organo-mineral fraction during co-composting of sewage sludge-lignocellulosic waste by XRD and FTIR analysis.  Morrocain Journal of Chemistry, 5 N°4, 730 – 739 (2017)
  • Amine Ezzariai, Maialen Barret, Georges Merlina, Eric Pinelli, Mohamed Hafidi : Evaluation of the antibiotics effects on the physical and chemical parameters during the co-composting of sewage sludge with palm wastes in a bioreactor. Waste Management, 68; 388–397 (2017)
  • Hamim A, Roussos S, Duponnois R, Mrabet R, Hafidi M. : Detection and quantification of enzyme activity of ericoid fungi under solid-state fermentation. Columella, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sicences. Vol.4 Num.1. DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2017.4.1.suppl. (2017)
  • Miguel Genin, Mohamed Alifriqui, Abdessamad Fakhech, Mohamed Hafidi, Lahcen Ouahmane, Didier Genin : Back to forests in pre-Saharan Morocco? When prickly pear cultivation and traditional agropastoralism reduction promote argan tree regeneration.  Silva Fennica vol. 51 no. 1B articleid 1618. (2017).
  • AZIABLE ETSE, TCHEGUENI Sanonka, BODJONA Bassai Magnoudéwa, DEGBE Koffi Agbégnegan, HAFIDI Mohamed, El Meray Mohamed, KILI Ani Koffi : Physicochemical characterization of soils around the processing plant of phosphate of Kpémé in Togo. Journal of Moroccain Chemistry, 5 N° 2, 346-353 (2017).
  • Ahlam Hamim, Lucie Miche, Ahmed Douiak, Rachid Mrabet, Ahmed  Ouhammou, Robin Duponnois, Mohamed Hafidi :   Diversity of fungal assemblages in root of Ericaceae in two Mediterranean contrasting ecosystems: Comptes Rendus Biologies340;  226–237 (2017).
  • Benkhoua N., Hafidi, M., Badri W, Baudoin E, Thioulouse J., Sanguin H., Prin Y., Galiana A., Ouahamne L, Ouhammou A & Duponnois R.: Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with Crotalaria ochroleuca, an indigenous wild legume in the tropics: Impacts on microbial functional diversity involved in phosphorus mobilization processes in a sahelian soil. Ecological EngineeringVolume 101, Pages 130–136 (2017).
  • E. Aziable, S. Tchegueni, M. B. Bodjona, A. K. Degbe, M. Zamama,  M.Hafidi, M. EL Meray, K. A. Kili : Valorization of agro-industrial waste by bio-process aerobic “composting”. Journal of Materials and  Environmental Sciences  (JMES)  Volume 8, Issue 4, Page 1277-1283 (2017).
  • D. Addad; M Kribaa, N Ababsa, L Tamrabet, M Hafidi, L El Fels, and others, ‘Impact of Earthworm Activity on the Chemical Fertility of Irrigated Soil with Urban Effluents’. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 9, 1320 (2017).
  • Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2018) Sesame: Metagenome Sequence Classification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated Microorganisms. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, (In Press).
  • Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2018) Sesame PS Function: Functional Analysis of Symbiotic Microbes of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, (In Press).
  • Meglouli H, Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui A, Magnin-Robert M, Tisserant B, Hijri M & Fontaine J (2018) Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum sources influence bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities' structures of historically dioxin/furan-contaminated soil but not the pollutant dissipation rate. Mycorrhiza, (In Press) doi: 10.1007/s00572-018-0852-x
  • Lee SJ, Kong M, Morse D & Hijri M (2018). Expression of putative circadian clock components in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare. Mycorrhiza, 28, 5-6 (523-534).
  • Hijri M and Bâ A (2018) Editorial: Mycorrhiza in Tropical and Neotropical Ecosystems. Frontiers Plant Science 9:308.
  • Lee SJ, Kong M, Harrison P & Hijri M (2018). Conserved proteins of the RNA interference system in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare provide new insight into the evolutionary history of Glomeromycota. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10 (1): 328-343.
  • Bidartondo MI & Hijri M (2018) The Ninth International Conference on Mycorrhiza in Prague: across mycorrhizal symbioses from molecules to global scales. Mycorrhiza 28(2):203-205.
  • Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2017). Petroleum Contamination and Plant Identity Influence Soil and Root Microbial Communities While AMF Spores Retrieved from the Same Plants Possess Markedly Different Communities. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1381. Open accesss
  • Marchand M, Mench M, Jani Y, Kaczala F, Notini P, Hijri M & Hogland M (2018) Field pilot scale aided-phytoremediation of a soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Science of the Total Environment 618, 753-764.
  • Marchand M, Mench M, Jani Y, Kaczala F, Notini P, Hijri M & Hogland W (2017) Pilot scale ecopiling of a soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Science of the Total Environment. In Press.
  • Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2017) Petroleum Contamination and Plant Identity Influence Soil and Root Microbial Communities While AMF Spores Retrieved from the Same Plants Possess Markedly Different Communities. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1381. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01381
  • Marchand M, St-Arnaud M, Hogland W, Bell TH, & Hijri M (2017) Petroleum biodegradation capacity of bacteria and fungi isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 116: 48-57.
  • Hijri M. and Bâ A. (2018) Mycorrhiza in Tropical and Neotropical Ecosystems. Frontiers in Plant Science and Frontiers in Microbiology.
  • Jemo, M, Dhiba, D, Hashem A, Abd_Allah EF, Alqarawi A.A., Tran L-S P. (2018).  Mycorrhizal fungal community structure in tropical humid soils under fallow and cropping conditions. Scientific Reports, 8. 1706 ;
  • Lamaoui M, Jemo M, Datla R & Bekkaoui F. (2018). Physiological and genetic approaches to improve heat and drought tolerance in plants. Frontiers in Chemistry 6 :26 ;
  • Nwoke, O.C. Olufade, M.A, Jemo, M. (2018). Response of soybean and cowpea to sources of ‘starter’ nitrogen in a poor savanna soil under greenhouse conditions. UNIOSUN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES.
  • Jemo, M, S. Sulieman, S., Bekkaoui F., Olomide, O A. K., Hashem, Abd_Allah, A, F., Alqarawi A.A. and Tran L-S. P. (2017). Comparative analysis of the combined effects of water deficit and phosphate deficiency on growth and biological nitrogen fixation of nine cowpea varieties.  Front. Plant Sci. 8, 2111 ;
  • Nkenmegne, S., Jemo, M., Ambang, Z., Souleyamanou A., Tamo M., and L-S Tran, (2017). S. Growth improvement, amino acids synthesis and reduction in aggressiveness to Phaeoisariopsis griseola by Mycorrhizal and Trichoderma harzanium in bean. (Symphos 2017). 
  • L. Hdidou, L. Kouisni, B. Manoun. H. Hannach. A. Solhy, and A. Barakat, «Oxidative conversion of lignin over cobalt-iron mixed oxides prepared via the alginate gelation» Catalysis Communications 117, 2018.
  • Bargaz A, Lyamlouli K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y and Dhiba D (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system.  Front. Microbiol. 9:1606 
  • Dewez D, Goltsev V, Kalaji HM., Oukarroum A. 2019. Evaluation of silver nanoparticles inhibitory effect on the physiological state of aquatic plant Lemna gibba probed by chlorophyll fluorescence. Current Plant Biology.
  • Alouani M, Oukarroum A. 2019. Photosynthetic performance of freshwater green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to air-drying treatment. Biologia. doi: 10.2478/s11756-018-00172-0
  • Oukarroum A, Halimi I, Siaj M. 2019. Cellular responses of Chlorococcum sp. algae exposed to zinc oxide nanoparticles evaluated by cytometry in flux. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Doi: 10.1007/s11270-018-4051-3
  • Kdidi S, Vaca-Medina G, Peydecastaing J, Oukarroum A, Fayoud N, Barakat A. 2019. Electrostatic Separation for Sustainable Production of Rapeseed Oil Cake Protein Concentrate: Effect of Mechanical Disruption on Protein and lignocellulosic fiber Separation. Powder Technology. 344: 10-16.
  • El Alami D, Carrere H, Abdelouahedi K, Oukarroum A, Dhiba D, Arji M, Barakat A.  2018. Combination of dry milling and separation processes with anaerobic digestion of olive mill solid waste. Molecules. 23: 3295.
  • Hdidou L, Khallouk K, Solhy A, Manoun B, Oukarroum A, Barakat A. 2018. Screening of recyclable heterogeneous CoFeO oxides nanomaterials as prepared via alginate gelation for catalytic depolymerization of lignin polymer under eco-friendly conditions. Catalysis Science & Technology. 8: 5445-5453. 
  • Oukarroum A, Lebrihi A, El Gharous M, Goltsev V, Strasser RJ. 2018. Desiccation-induced changes of photosynthetic transport in Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Ach. analysed by simultaneous measurements of the kinetics of prompt fluorescence, delayed fluorescence and modulated 820 nm reflection. Journal of Luminescence. 198: 302–308.
  • Çiçek N, Oukarroum A, Strasser RJ, Schansker G. 2018. Salt stress effects on the photosynthetic electron transport chain in two chickpea lines differing in their salt stress tolerance. Photosynthesis Research. 136: 291-301.
  • Samadani M, Perreault F, Oukarroum A, Dewez D. 2018. Effect of cadmium accumulation on green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and acid-tolerant Chlamydomonas CPCC 121. Chemosphere. 191: 174-182.
  • Oukarroum A, El Gharous M, Strasser RJ. 2017. Does Parmelina tiliacea lichen photosystem II survive at liquid nitrogen temperatures?. Cryobiology. 24:160–162.
  • Oukarroum A, Zaidi W, Samadani M, Dewez D. 2017. Toxicity of nickel oxide nanoparticles on freshwater algal strain of Chlorella vulgaris. Biomed Research International
  • Plants extracts and secondary metabolites, their extraction methods and use in agriculture for controlling crop stresses and improving productivity: A review. Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A. 2018, Acad. J. Med. Plants. 6(8): 223-240.
  • Combining a QSAR Approach and Structural Analysis to Derive an SAR Map of Lyn Kinase Inhibition. Imane Naboulsi, Aziz Aboulmouhajir, Lamfeddal Kouisni, Faouzi Bekkaoui and Abdelaziz Yasri. Molecules 2018, 23(12), 3271
  • Discovering novel 7-azaindole-based series as potent AXL kinase inhibitors.  Jan 2017,  Bioorganic& medicinal chemistry letters. Clémence Feneyrolles, Léa Guiet, Mathilde Singer[...],Aziz Yasri
  • Bargaz A, Lyamloul K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y, and Dhiba D. (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system. Review, Front. Microbiol. - Microbial Symbioses. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 1606

Ecole des Sciences de l’Agriculture, Fertilisants et Environnement  ESAFE  et Agro Biosciences AgBS

  • M El Achaby, Z Kassab, A Aboulkas, C Gaillard, A Barakat. Reuse of red algae waste for the production of cellulose nanocrystals and its application in polymer nanocomposites 2017, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, in press    
  • Lazuka, C Roland, A Barakat, F Guillon, M O'Donohue. Ecofriendly lignocellulose pretreatment to enhance the carboxylate production of a rumen-derived microbial consortium. Bioresource Technology 2017, 236, 225-233    
  • F Marazzi, C Sambusiti, F Monlau, SE Cecere, D Scaglione, A Barakat. A novel option for reducing the optical density of liquid digestate to achieve a more productive microalgal culturing. Algal Research 2017, 24, 19-28
  • Ahmed Nafis Najoua Elhidar Brahim Oubaha Asma Azmani, Salah Eddine Samri, Timo Niedermyer, Noureddine Mezrioui, Lahcen Hassani, Barakate Mustapha (2018). Research of Secondary Metabolites with Non-polyenic Antifungal Activity Produced by Actinomycetes Isolated from Different Moroccan Habitats. January 2018 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_358 In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. 
  • Assia Kritihi, Khadija Ouaissa, Abdel Aziz Maychal, Youness Oumessaoud, Mustapha  Barakate, Mustapha Hasnaoui (2018).  Biochemical and Enzymatic Characterization of a Gram-negative Fish Pathogen Isolated in Morocco from Rainbow Trout and Comparison with Isolates of Other Countries and Sources.  Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration January 2018  pp 413-415.  DOI10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_130 In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions


Publications :


  • Oubaha Brahim, Nafis Ahmed, Baz Mohamed, Mauch Felix & Barakate Mustapha. The potential of antagonistic Moroccan Streptomyces isolates for the biological control of damping-off disease of pea (pissum sativum l.) Caused by Aphanomyces euteiches. accepted for publication to Journal of phytopathology.  Accepted  4 November 2018. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12775 Impact factor 0.853
  • Ahmed Nafis , Najoua Elhidar, Brahim Oubaha, Salah Eddine Samri, Timo Niedermeyer, Yedir Ouhdouch, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Screening for Non-polyenic Antifungal Produced by Actinobacteria from Moroccan Habitats: Assessment of Antimycin A19 Production by Streptomyces albidoflavus AS25.  International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine (IJMCM) Spring 2018, Vol 7, No 2 DOI: 10.22088/IJMCM.BUMS.7.2.133.
  • Ahmed Nafis , Brahim Oubaha, Najoua Elhidar, Nico Ortlieb, Andreas Kulik, Timo Niedermeyer, Yedir Ouhdouch, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Novel production of two new non-polyenic antifungal macrolide derivatives by Streptomyces Z26 isolated from moroccan Rhizospheric soil. January 2018. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 18(2):176-185. DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2018.176.185
  • Loubna Ait Dra, Malika Ait Sidi Brahim, Brahim Boualy, Abdellah Aghraz, Mustapha Barakate, Saadia Oubaassine, Mohamed Markouk, Mustapha Larhsini. Chemical composition, antioxidant and evidence antimicrobial synergistic effects of Periploca laevigata essential oil with conventional antibiotics. Industrial Crops and products Vol. 109 (2017): 746–752. Impact factor 3.181
  • Belattmania Z., Bentiss F., Jama C., Barakate M., Katif C., Reani A., Sabour B. (2017). Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using sodium alginate from the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum. Journal of BioNanoScience, 8(2): 617-623, DOI 10.1007/s12668-018-0518-3.  Impact factor 
  • Ahmed Nafis, Brahim OUBAHA,  Asma AZMANI, Salah Eddine SAMRI, Timo NIEDERMEYER, Lahcen Hassani, Mustapha Barakate. Novonestmycines A et B, deux dérivés d’antifongiques non polyéniques nouvellement produits par Streptomyces sp. Z26.Journal de Mycologie Médicale/Journal of Medical Mycology 27(3):e44 DOI10.1016/j.mycmed.2017.04.101
  • Bargaz A, Lyamloul K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y, and Dhiba D. (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system. Review, Front. Microbiol. - Microbial Symbioses. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 1606.
  • Bargaz A, Noyce G, Fulthorp R, Carlsson G, Jensen ES, Dhiba D, Isaac M. (2017). Species interactions enhance root allocation, microbial diversity and P acquisition in intercropped wheat and soybean. Applied Soil Ecology. 120, 179-188. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.08.011
  • Abdi N, Bargaz A, L’taif B, Bouraoui M, Hmissi I, Sifi B. (2017). Rhizobial efficiency increases in common bean supplied with sparingly soluble calcium-phosphorus. Journal of Plant Nutrition,
  • Lazali Mohamed &Bargaz Adnane(2017)Examples of Belowground Mechanisms Enabling Legumes to Mitigate Phosphorus Deficiency. A Chapter (pp 135-152); Springer International Publishing AG 2017 S. Sulieman, L.-S.P. Tran (eds.), Legume Nitrogen Fixation in Soils with Low Phosphorus Availability. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55729-8_7
  • Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A (2018). Plants Extracts and Secondary Metabolites, their extraction methods and use in agriculture for controlling crop stresses and improving productivity: A review. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants. AJMP-18-139. DOI: 10.15413ajmp.2018.0139
  • Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A (2018) Combining QSAR Approach and Structural Analysis to Derive an SAR map of Lyn Kinase Inhibition. Molecules-376834 (in press) 
  • El Mezouari El Glaoui G, El Hayanya B, El Fels L, El Faiz A, Ezzariai A, Rihani M, Lebrihi A, Bekkaoui F, Hafidi M (2018) Physico-chemical and spectroscopy assessment of sludge biodegradation during semi-industrial composting under semi-arid climate. Waste and Biomass Valorization.
  • Lamaoui M, Jemo M, Datla R & Bekkaoui F. Physiological and genetic approaches to improve heat and drought tolerance in plants. 2017. Frontiers in Chemistry, 6, 26. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00026
  • Jemo M, Sulieman S, Bekkaoui F, Olomide O, Hashem A , Abd_Allah EF, Alqarawi AA and Phan Tran L-S (2017). Comparative analysis of the combined effects of water deficit and phosphate deficiency on growth and biological nitrogen fixation of nine cowpea varieties. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 8, 2111.
  • Naylo, A., Pereira, S., Benidire, L., El Khalil, H., Castro, P., Ouvrard, S., Schwartz, C., Boularbah, A. 2018. Trace and major element contents, microbial communities, enzymatic activities of urban soils of Marrakech city along an anthropization gradient.  Journal of soils and Sediments. Sous press.
  • Feng, N., H. Ghoveisi, A. Boularbah, G. Bitton, and JC. Bonzongo. 2018. Effect of Aging and Wet-dry Cycles on the Elimination of the Bioavailable Fractions of Cu and Zn in Contaminated Soils by Zero Valent Iron and Magnetic Separation Techniques. Journal of Environmental Engineering. J. Environ. Eng., 2018, 144(8): 04018068
  • Feng, N., H. Ghoveisi, A. Boularbah, G. Bitton, and JC. Bonzongo. Combined Use of Zero Valent Iron and Magnetic Separation for ex-situ Removal of Bioavailable Metals from Contaminated Sediments. 2018. Soil and Sediment Contamination. 27:1–16.
  • Wolfgang Burghardt, Jean Louis Morel, Salah A. Tahoun, Gan-Lin Zhang, Richard K. Shaw, Ali Boularbah, Przemysław Charzyński, Christina Siebe, Kye-Hoon John Kim . 2017. Activities of SUITMA: from origin to future, in “Soils within Citie”s, Edition: 1st. Catena-Schweizerbart, ISBN 978-3-510-65411-6.
  • Mohamed Farissi, Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Variation in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and membrane potential root cortex cells of two alfalfa populations under salinity: Assessment of antioxidant potential role in salt tolerance. Archives of Biological Sciences. (IF: 0.367,In press)DOI: 10.2298/ABS171019001F
  • Bouchra Makoudi, Ablaa Kabbadj, Mohammed Mouradi, Laurie Amenc, Odile Domergue, Matthew Blair, Jean-Jacques Drevon, Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Phosphorus deficiency increases nodule phytase activity of faba bean - rhizobia symbiosis. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. Thomson Reuters. (IF 1.364)DOI: 10.1007/s11738-018-2619-6.
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Ahmed Qaddoury & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Medicago sativa-rhizobia symbiosis under water deficit: Physiological, antioxidant and nutritional responses in nodules and leaves. Journal of Plant Nutrition, (IF: 0.618) 41(3): 384-395. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2017.1385805
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Qaddoury & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Assessment of deficit irrigation responses of Moroccan alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) landraces grown under field conditions. Irrigation and Drainage, (IF: 0.565) 67 (2): 179-190DOI: 10.1002/ird.2190.
  • Khadraji A. and Ghoulam  C., 2017. Effect of drought on growth, physiological and biochemical processes of chickpea-rhizobia symbiosis. Legume Research, 40 (1) : 94-99 DOI:10.18805/lr.v0iOF.3771  
  • Ablaa Kabbadj, BouchraMakoudi, Mohammed Mouradi, Pierre Frendo, Nicolas Pauly, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Physiological and biochemical responses involved in water deficit tolerance of nitrogen-fixing Vicia faba. PLoS ONE (IF:3.057)12(12): e0190284.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190284.
  • Ahmed Khadraji, Mohammed Mouradi, Chafika Houasli, Ahmed Qaddoury, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Growth and antioxidant responses during early growth of winter and spring chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under water deficit as affected by osmopriming. Seed Sciences and Technology (IF: 0.521)45:1-14.DOI: 10.15258/sst.2017.45.1.16.
  • Mohamed Farissi, Mohammed Mouradi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Amélioration de la germination de la luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) sous stress salin par traitement pré-germinatif. Fourrages (IF :0.202) 228, 261-264.
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Bouchra Makoudi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Effect of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)–rhizobia symbiosis on barley’s growth, phosphorus uptake and acid phosphatase activity in the intercropping system. Annals of Agrarian Sciences ISSN: 1512-1887(In press)DOI: 10.1016/j.aasci.2018.05.003
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Lahbib Latrach, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Impact of the Salt Stress on the Agronomic Potential of the Moroccan Populations of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Under the Field Conditions of Marrakesh. Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (ISSN: 2509-2065, In press).
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Khadraji & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing rhizobia bacteria nodulatingVicia faba L. at the Haouz region of Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences (Scopus IF: 1.2 in 2016, In press)
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Ahmed Khadraji, Bouchra Makoudi &Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Biochemical and antioxidant proprieties associated with the adaptation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)-rhizobia symbiosis to phosphorus deficit. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences (Scopus IF: 1.2 in 2016) 9(5): 1574-1581. DOI: 10.26872/jmes.2018.9.5.174
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Bouchra Makoudi, Adnane Bargaz, Mohamed Farissi, Ablaa Kabbadj, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Jean-Jacques Drevon & Cherki Ghoulam. 2018. Legume-rhizobia symbiosis enhances phosphorus fertilizers use efficiency in soil under field conditions. Procedia Engineering (IF: 0.74, In press)
  • Lahbib Latrach, Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, & Cherki Ghoulam. 2017. Physiological characterization of rhizobial isolates nodulating alfalfa (Medicago sativa) isolated from soils of Southeastern Morocco. Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (ISSN: 2509-2065)3(4) 353-364.
  • Ahmed Khadraji, Mohammed Mouradi, Cherki Ghoulam, 2017. Phosphate solubilization potential, salinity and drought tolerance of rhizobia nodulating chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Moroccan Journal of Chemistry (IF: 0.552) 5(4): 722-729. 
  • Mohammed Mouradi, Mohamed Farissi, Abdelaziz Bouizgaren, Yahya Lahrizi, Ahmed Qaddoury & CherkiGhoulam. 2018. "Alfalfa and its symbiosis responses to osmotic stress",New Perspectives in Forage Crops, Dr. Ricardo Edvan (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69760. Available from: (IF: 0.949).
  • Yassine ZEGZOUTI, Aziz BOUTAFDA, Loubna EL FELS, Miloud EL HADEK, Fatou NDOYE, Nalla MBAYE, Lamfeddal KOUISNI,  Mohamed HAFIDI : degradation Journal, (noScreening and molecular identification of autochthonous fungi tolerant to different types of leachate from landfill ecosystem .  Submitted on Exotox Env safety journal; October  2018. 
  • A. Aguelmous, L. El Fels, S. Souabi, M. Zamama, S. Lahsaini, M. Lebrihi, M. Hafidi :  Bioremediation of petroleum sludge by composting with green wastes in bioreactor and TPH removal assessment with gravimetrical, IR, GC/FID methods and phytotoxicity test. Submited on Environmental Science and Pollution Research, on Dec 2018.
  • Loubna EL FELS, Aziz BOUTAFDA, Yassine ZEGZOUTI, Nermine LAGHMIRI, Mouncif NEFFA, Lamfeddal KOUISNI, Moha TAOURIRT, Mohamed HAFIDI : Fe2+/Fe3+ /H2O2 as a system to improve the DCO removal and to degrad phenolic compounds in olive oil mill wastewater. Accepted manuscript (2019)
  • Aziz Boutafda, Yassine Zegzouti, Loubna El Fels, Yedir Ouhdouch, Ahmed Lebrihi,  Faouzi Bekkaoui, Mohamed Hafidi : Olive mill wastewater endogenous microflora removal potential:   Optimization and identification of polyphenol degrading yeasts. Submited daslinsation water and traitement July 28thn 2018. Accepted with corrections
  • Ahmed Khadra, Amine Ezzariai, Georges Merlina, Marion-Justine Capdeville, Hélène Budzinski , Hassan Hamdi, Eric Pinelli, Mohamed Hafidi : Fate of antibiotics present in a primary sludge of WWTP during their co-composting with palm wastes.  Waste Management, 84, 13–19 (2019).
  • Abdessamad FAKHECH, Mohamed AIT EL MOKHTAR, Lahcen OUAHMANE, Mohamed HAFIDI : Seasonality of mycorrhizal attributes, soil phosphorus and nitrogen of Juniperus phoenicea and Retama monosperma boiss. in an Atlantic sand dunes forest. Submitted on  Journal of Sustainable Forestry ; Novbember 2018. Accepted o, May 2010 (in press); (2018).
  • Ghizlen, El Mezouari El Glauoi; Bouchra, El Hayany; Loubna, El Fels; Abdelouahed, El Faiz; Amine, Ezzariai; Mohammed, Rihani; Ahmed, Lebrihi; Faouzi, Bekkaoui; Mohamed, Hafidi “Physico-Chemical and Spectroscopy Assessment of Sludge Biodegradation During Semi-Industrial Composting Under Semi-Arid Climate.” Waste and Biomass Valorization, (2018), 1–12.
  • Anas Aguelmous, Loubna El Fels, Salah Souabi, Mohamed Zamama, Abdelaziz Yasri, Ahmed Lebrihi, Mohamed Hafidi : Petroleum sludge bioremediation and its toxicity removal by landfilling under semi-arid conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 166, p482-487 (2018).
  • Amine, Ezzariai; Mohamed, Hafidi; Ahmed, Khadra; Quentin, Aemig; Loubna, El Fels; Maialen, Barret; Georges, Merlina; Dominique, Patureau; Eric, Pinelli “Human and Veterinary Antibiotics during Composting of Sludge or Manure: Global Perspectives on Persistence, Degradation, and Resistance Genes.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 359, 465–81(2018)
  • Amine, Ezzariai; David, Riboul; Marlène, Z., Lacroix; Maialen, Barret; Loubna, El Fels; Georges, Merlina; Alain, Bousquet-Melou; Dominique, Patureau; Eric, Pinelli; Mohamed, Hafidi “A Pressurized Liquid Extraction Approach Followed by Standard Addition Method and UPLC-MS/MS for a Fast-Multiclass Determination of Antibiotics in a Complex Matrix.” Chemosphere (2018), 211, 893–902 (2018)
  • Loubna, El Fels; Bouchra, El Hayany, Abdelouahed, El Faiz; Mustapha, Saadani; Mustapha, Houari; Mohamed, Hafidi “Sludge Nematodes , Cestodes , and Trematodes Eggs Variation from Lagooning , Activated Sludge and Infiltration-Percolation Wastewater Treatment System under Semi-Arid Climate.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2018), 1–7 (2018)
  • Slimane Lahsaini, Anas Aguelmous , Mohamed Chatoui , Laila Idrissi, Loubna El Fels, Salah Souabi, Mohamed Hafidi : Evolution of detergents in wastewater and sludge from refining industry of vegetable oils and their abatement by composting . Scientific Study & Research -Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, 19 (2), pp. 105 – 116 (2018)
  • Rachid Ait Babahmad, Abdellah Aghraz, Aziz Boutafda , Eleni G. Papazoglou, Petros A. Tarantilis, Charalampos Kanakis, Mohamed Hafidi , Yedir Ouhdouch, Abdelkader Outzourhit, Ahmed Ouhammou :Chemical composition of essential oil of Jatropha curcas L. leaves and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.  Industrial Crops & Products 121, pp 405–410, (2018)
  • Bouchra EL HAYANY, Ghizlen El MEZOUARI EL GLAOUI, Mohammed RIHANNI, Abdelouahed EL FAIZ, Mohamed EL GHAROUS, Mohamed HAFIDI, Loubna EL FELS: Effect of dewatering and composting on helminthes eggs removal from lagooning sludge under semi-arid climate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Issue 11, pp 10988–10996 (2018)
  • Hamim A, Boukesskass A, Duponnois R, Mrabet R, Hafidi M. :  Screening for ericoid fungi with lipase, proteinase and cellulase activity isolated in Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., Volume 9, Issue 5, Page 1431-1438 (2018)
  • Fatima Zahra EL OUAQOUDI, Abdelilah MEDDICH, Laurent LEMÉE, André AMBLÈS and Mohamed HAFIDI : Assessment of humic acids during composting of ligno-cellulose waste by thermochemolysis using TMAH. Waste and Biomasse Valorizationn, DOI 10.1007/s12649-018-0268-z (2018) (on line)
  • Loubna EL FELS, Abdelghani EL ASLI, Yeder OUHDOUCH, Mohamed HAFIDI : Monitoring of parasitological contamination of compost product and efficiency of co-composting process removal  of sludge helminth eggs. Environmental Engineering Management Journal.Vol.17, No. 2, 459-465 (2018)
  • Abderrahim FERRADOUS, Mohamed HAFIDI , Mohamed ALIFRIQUI,  Pascal DUPUIS et Ahmed OUHAMMOU : Production de plants d’Argania spinosa L. Skeels au Maroc : choix  du conteneur et du substrat. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, 2017, N° 334 (4), pp37-47 (2017)
  • Moussa S. Hassimi, Amal Boukeskass, Issa Adamou, Zoubeirou A. Mayaki, Yedir Ouhdouch et Mohamed Hafidi :  Characterization of thermophilic phosphate solubilizing microorganisms during grassland anaerobic biotransformation. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 11(6): 2764-2777 (2017)
  • Loubna El Fels, Mohamed Zamama, Anas Aguelmous, Bouchra El Hayany, Ghizlen El Mezouari El Glaoui, Abdelhafid Benksimf, Ilyesse Rahhou, Abdelfetah Mounir, Hassan Khajmi, Mohammed Rihani, Mohamed Hafidi : Assessment of organo-mineral fraction during co-composting of sewage sludge-lignocellulosic waste by XRD and FTIR analysis.  Morrocain Journal of Chemistry, 5 N°4, 730 – 739 (2017)
  • Amine Ezzariai, Maialen Barret, Georges Merlina, Eric Pinelli, Mohamed Hafidi : Evaluation of the antibiotics effects on the physical and chemical parameters during the co-composting of sewage sludge with palm wastes in a bioreactor. Waste Management, 68; 388–397 (2017)
  • Hamim A, Roussos S, Duponnois R, Mrabet R, Hafidi M. : Detection and quantification of enzyme activity of ericoid fungi under solid-state fermentation. Columella, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sicences. Vol.4 Num.1. DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2017.4.1.suppl. (2017)
  • Miguel Genin, Mohamed Alifriqui, Abdessamad Fakhech, Mohamed Hafidi, Lahcen Ouahmane, Didier Genin : Back to forests in pre-Saharan Morocco? When prickly pear cultivation and traditional agropastoralism reduction promote argan tree regeneration.  Silva Fennica vol. 51 no. 1B articleid 1618. (2017).
  • AZIABLE ETSE, TCHEGUENI Sanonka, BODJONA Bassai Magnoudéwa, DEGBE Koffi Agbégnegan, HAFIDI Mohamed, El Meray Mohamed, KILI Ani Koffi : Physicochemical characterization of soils around the processing plant of phosphate of Kpémé in Togo. Journal of Moroccain Chemistry, 5 N° 2, 346-353 (2017).
  • Ahlam Hamim, Lucie Miche, Ahmed Douiak, Rachid Mrabet, Ahmed  Ouhammou, Robin Duponnois, Mohamed Hafidi :   Diversity of fungal assemblages in root of Ericaceae in two Mediterranean contrasting ecosystems: Comptes Rendus Biologies340;  226–237 (2017).
  • Benkhoua N., Hafidi, M., Badri W, Baudoin E, Thioulouse J., Sanguin H., Prin Y., Galiana A., Ouahamne L, Ouhammou A & Duponnois R.: Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with Crotalaria ochroleuca, an indigenous wild legume in the tropics: Impacts on microbial functional diversity involved in phosphorus mobilization processes in a sahelian soil. Ecological EngineeringVolume 101, Pages 130–136 (2017).
  • E. Aziable, S. Tchegueni, M. B. Bodjona, A. K. Degbe, M. Zamama,  M.Hafidi, M. EL Meray, K. A. Kili : Valorization of agro-industrial waste by bio-process aerobic “composting”. Journal of Materials and  Environmental Sciences  (JMES)  Volume 8, Issue 4, Page 1277-1283 (2017).
  • D. Addad; M Kribaa, N Ababsa, L Tamrabet, M Hafidi, L El Fels, and others, ‘Impact of Earthworm Activity on the Chemical Fertility of Irrigated Soil with Urban Effluents’. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 9, 1320 (2017).
  • Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2018) Sesame: Metagenome Sequence Classification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated Microorganisms. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, (In Press).
  • Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2018) Sesame PS Function: Functional Analysis of Symbiotic Microbes of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, (In Press).
  • Meglouli H, Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui A, Magnin-Robert M, Tisserant B, Hijri M & Fontaine J (2018) Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum sources influence bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities' structures of historically dioxin/furan-contaminated soil but not the pollutant dissipation rate. Mycorrhiza, (In Press) doi: 10.1007/s00572-018-0852-x
  • Lee SJ, Kong M, Morse D & Hijri M (2018). Expression of putative circadian clock components in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare. Mycorrhiza, 28, 5-6 (523-534).
  • Hijri M and Bâ A (2018) Editorial: Mycorrhiza in Tropical and Neotropical Ecosystems. Frontiers Plant Science 9:308.
  • Lee SJ, Kong M, Harrison P & Hijri M (2018). Conserved proteins of the RNA interference system in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare provide new insight into the evolutionary history of Glomeromycota. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10 (1): 328-343.
  • Bidartondo MI & Hijri M (2018) The Ninth International Conference on Mycorrhiza in Prague: across mycorrhizal symbioses from molecules to global scales. Mycorrhiza 28(2):203-205.
  • Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2017). Petroleum Contamination and Plant Identity Influence Soil and Root Microbial Communities While AMF Spores Retrieved from the Same Plants Possess Markedly Different Communities. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1381. Open accesss
  • Marchand M, Mench M, Jani Y, Kaczala F, Notini P, Hijri M & Hogland M (2018) Field pilot scale aided-phytoremediation of a soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Science of the Total Environment 618, 753-764.
  • Marchand M, Mench M, Jani Y, Kaczala F, Notini P, Hijri M & Hogland W (2017) Pilot scale ecopiling of a soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Science of the Total Environment. In Press.
  • Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2017) Petroleum Contamination and Plant Identity Influence Soil and Root Microbial Communities While AMF Spores Retrieved from the Same Plants Possess Markedly Different Communities. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1381. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01381
  • Marchand M, St-Arnaud M, Hogland W, Bell TH, & Hijri M (2017) Petroleum biodegradation capacity of bacteria and fungi isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 116: 48-57.
  • Hijri M. and Bâ A. (2018) Mycorrhiza in Tropical and Neotropical Ecosystems. Frontiers in Plant Science and Frontiers in Microbiology.
  • Jemo, M, Dhiba, D, Hashem A, Abd_Allah EF, Alqarawi A.A., Tran L-S P. (2018).  Mycorrhizal fungal community structure in tropical humid soils under fallow and cropping conditions. Scientific Reports, 8. 1706 ;
  • Lamaoui M, Jemo M, Datla R & Bekkaoui F. (2018). Physiological and genetic approaches to improve heat and drought tolerance in plants. Frontiers in Chemistry 6 :26 ;
  • Nwoke, O.C. Olufade, M.A, Jemo, M. (2018). Response of soybean and cowpea to sources of ‘starter’ nitrogen in a poor savanna soil under greenhouse conditions. UNIOSUN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES.
  • Jemo, M, S. Sulieman, S., Bekkaoui F., Olomide, O A. K., Hashem, Abd_Allah, A, F., Alqarawi A.A. and Tran L-S. P. (2017). Comparative analysis of the combined effects of water deficit and phosphate deficiency on growth and biological nitrogen fixation of nine cowpea varieties.  Front. Plant Sci. 8, 2111 ;
  • Nkenmegne, S., Jemo, M., Ambang, Z., Souleyamanou A., Tamo M., and L-S Tran, (2017). S. Growth improvement, amino acids synthesis and reduction in aggressiveness to Phaeoisariopsis griseola by Mycorrhizal and Trichoderma harzanium in bean. (Symphos 2017). 
  • L. Hdidou, L. Kouisni, B. Manoun. H. Hannach. A. Solhy, and A. Barakat, «Oxidative conversion of lignin over cobalt-iron mixed oxides prepared via the alginate gelation» Catalysis Communications 117, 2018.
  • Bargaz A, Lyamlouli K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y and Dhiba D (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system.  Front. Microbiol. 9:1606 
  • Dewez D, Goltsev V, Kalaji HM., Oukarroum A. 2019. Evaluation of silver nanoparticles inhibitory effect on the physiological state of aquatic plant Lemna gibba probed by chlorophyll fluorescence. Current Plant Biology.
  • Alouani M, Oukarroum A. 2019. Photosynthetic performance of freshwater green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to air-drying treatment. Biologia. doi: 10.2478/s11756-018-00172-0
  • Oukarroum A, Halimi I, Siaj M. 2019. Cellular responses of Chlorococcum sp. algae exposed to zinc oxide nanoparticles evaluated by cytometry in flux. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Doi: 10.1007/s11270-018-4051-3
  • Kdidi S, Vaca-Medina G, Peydecastaing J, Oukarroum A, Fayoud N, Barakat A. 2019. Electrostatic Separation for Sustainable Production of Rapeseed Oil Cake Protein Concentrate: Effect of Mechanical Disruption on Protein and lignocellulosic fiber Separation. Powder Technology. 344: 10-16.
  • El Alami D, Carrere H, Abdelouahedi K, Oukarroum A, Dhiba D, Arji M, Barakat A.  2018. Combination of dry milling and separation processes with anaerobic digestion of olive mill solid waste. Molecules. 23: 3295.
  • Hdidou L, Khallouk K, Solhy A, Manoun B, Oukarroum A, Barakat A. 2018. Screening of recyclable heterogeneous CoFeO oxides nanomaterials as prepared via alginate gelation for catalytic depolymerization of lignin polymer under eco-friendly conditions. Catalysis Science & Technology. 8: 5445-5453. 
  • Oukarroum A, Lebrihi A, El Gharous M, Goltsev V, Strasser RJ. 2018. Desiccation-induced changes of photosynthetic transport in Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Ach. analysed by simultaneous measurements of the kinetics of prompt fluorescence, delayed fluorescence and modulated 820 nm reflection. Journal of Luminescence. 198: 302–308.
  • Çiçek N, Oukarroum A, Strasser RJ, Schansker G. 2018. Salt stress effects on the photosynthetic electron transport chain in two chickpea lines differing in their salt stress tolerance. Photosynthesis Research. 136: 291-301.
  • Samadani M, Perreault F, Oukarroum A, Dewez D. 2018. Effect of cadmium accumulation on green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and acid-tolerant Chlamydomonas CPCC 121. Chemosphere. 191: 174-182.
  • Oukarroum A, El Gharous M, Strasser RJ. 2017. Does Parmelina tiliacea lichen photosystem II survive at liquid nitrogen temperatures?. Cryobiology. 24:160–162.
  • Oukarroum A, Zaidi W, Samadani M, Dewez D. 2017. Toxicity of nickel oxide nanoparticles on freshwater algal strain of Chlorella vulgaris. Biomed Research International
  • Plants extracts and secondary metabolites, their extraction methods and use in agriculture for controlling crop stresses and improving productivity: A review. Naboulsi I, Aboulmouhajir A, Kouisni L, Bekkaoui F, Yasri A. 2018, Acad. J. Med. Plants. 6(8): 223-240.
  • Combining a QSAR Approach and Structural Analysis to Derive an SAR Map of Lyn Kinase Inhibition. Imane Naboulsi, Aziz Aboulmouhajir, Lamfeddal Kouisni, Faouzi Bekkaoui and Abdelaziz Yasri. Molecules 2018, 23(12), 3271
  • Discovering novel 7-azaindole-based series as potent AXL kinase inhibitors.  Jan 2017,  Bioorganic& medicinal chemistry letters. Clémence Feneyrolles, Léa Guiet, Mathilde Singer[...],Aziz Yasri
  • Bargaz A, Lyamloul K, Chtouki M, Zeroual Y, and Dhiba D. (2018). Soil microbial resources for improving fertilizers efficiency in an integrated plant nutrient management system. Review, Front. Microbiol. - Microbial Symbioses. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 1606